
Baby swimming

There will be courses in baby and toddler swimming at Vossabadet in spring 2024!

Available courses

Vossababy 1

For babies who have not participated in a course before.

Age 3-8 months.

Vossababy 2

For babies who have not participated in a course before but are older than the recommended age for Vossababy 1 (over 8 months), or who have attended Vossababy 1 previously.

Age 8-18 months.

Vossababy 3

For babies who are older than 18 months or who have participated in Vossababy 1 and/or Vossababy 2 before.


Hilde Fenne
Telefon: 911 31 604

Time Price

Starts in January and starts in September.
Check the calendar for dates or contact Hilde for more info.

2200,- per baby

Eight course days over 8 weeks - no courses in holidays.